authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
Giorgi Dalakishvili
验证专家 在工程

Giorgi曾致力于从手机到主机平台的各种应用程序. 他还在GitHub上维护着几个开源项目.




作为一名软件工程师, 你的职责通常定义得很清楚:任务分配给了你, 你的工作就是按时有效地执行它们.

In the engineering manager role, however, responsibilities are often not defined as clearly . Management isn’t binary; there are no straightforward answers to certain questions and problems. How successful you are 作为管理者 will depend on how well you are able to lead your people, 管理你的产品, 管理你的技术.


在工程经理的角色中,你的新优先级是你的团队. 所以你如何确保你有一个伟大的团队?


第一步是确保你 雇佣合适的人 对于你的团队,如果你还没有一个合适的团队.

A bad hire will not only waste their time but also waste the time of your other team members, 谁将需要收拾残局. 这将使你团队的其他成员士气低落. 即使一个人是杰出的程序员, 如果他们不能很好地适应团队的文化,他们仍然是一个糟糕的选择.

Make sure that you ask not only technical questions but also open-ended questions about working in a team or taking a leadership role. 例如,问应聘者:

  • 描述他们最近要解决的一个问题
  • 他们是如何实现解决方案的
  • 他们考虑了哪些替代方法
  • 谈谈他们在生产中遇到的一个关键问题, 他们对此有何反应, 以及他们如何防止未来发生同样的问题

一旦你有了一个团队,花时间赢得团队的尊重并建立信任. To lead a team effectively, you need to develop a healthy relationship with your team members. 花点时间了解他们的职业目标以及对他们来说什么是重要的.

The one-to-one meeting is an essential tool for forming a bond with each of your team members and getting to know them better. 理想的一对一会议频率是多少? 那 将取决于您的团队成员的具体需求但是每个月至少和他们见几次面是个好主意.

然而, 如果你和你的团队合作密切,或者你有一个很大的团队, 你可以每月开一次会.


A big part of your job rests on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of individual members. Help them address their weaknesses by pairing them with a senior engineer and performing frequent code reviews, 关注他们的优势. 毕竟,是我们的优势激励着我们,塑造着我们喜欢做的事情.

Assign tasks based on each engineer’s abilities and traits in order to extract the best out of each person and create a great team. 在这方面,自动化可以大有作为. 设置 持续集成 识别坏的或次优的代码和经常提交这些代码的人.

你的团队成员会不断寻求学习, 改善, 并在对他们或团队重要的领域中成长. The roles and responsibilities that made sense for each team member last year may no longer be the right fits this year. 确保每个团队成员不断感受到挑战并不断进步:

  • 密切关注他们的个人成长, 投资于他们的发展, 并帮助他们实现自己的抱负.
  • Meet individually with team members to create personal development plans and empower them to map their career strategies.
  • 试着为自我发展分配额外的时间, 允许团队成员定期转换角色, 并组织内部研讨会或培训课程.

除了确保每个人的专业成长, 工程经理的责任是保护他们的团队. 你应该让你的团队在不害怕失败的情况下做出决定. 如果事情失败了,承担责任并从错误中吸取教训.

This will foster boldness in your team as it tries new approaches and develops a growth mindset. 也就是说, mistakes shouldn’t happen more than once if you have provided proper feedback and taken timely action to steer your team in the right direction.


工程经理角色的第二个重要方面是产品. 你必须形成a 与产品经理关系密切 to align expectations and leverage technology and your team’s skills to deliver a great product.



你们团队6到12个月的目标是什么? 谁是你的听众?? 你的客户对你的产品有什么期望? 你的团队可能知道他们接下来几周要做什么, 但了解整个产品及其发展方向至关重要.


作为工程经理, you will work with different teams and be more engaged in product direction and product updates than you were as an individual contributor. 你不必同意关于产品的每一个决定, 但你必须相信你的产品,并且想让它变得更好. You can challenge the product manager if you disagree with their decision but keep in mind that the product manager has the final say. 尊重他们,支持他们的决定.


而产品经理的工作是定义产品策略和概念, 你的角色是定义产品的架构远景和技术设计. You are also responsible for defining the development methodology and ensuring its adoption by the team. 记住:产品经理可能拥有产品, 但是你和你的团队拥有产品的实现.

In some cases, it may be possible to implement helpful features with a small engineering effort. 例如, check if upgrading to the newer version of the framework that the product uses can help you implement some specific feature faster or more efficiently. Having a good overview of the product can help you and your team identify such cases and suggest them to the product manager.


当你构建最小可行产品时, 上市时间是最重要的,所以你可能会积累一些技术债务. 随着产品的发展, the focus shifts to adding new functionality and improving the product while repaying technical debt. 没有解决你最初所做的权衡, 添加新功能将花费更多的时间和成本. Take time to understand and keep track of the compromises you have made and find a balance between resolving the debt and adding new features.


Use source code static analyses to identify the code with the highest number of maintainability indexes and prioritize refactoring the code. 这种方式, it becomes easier to work on new features and the performance of the product will be 改善d.


您应该了解团队工作的当前状态. 如果你的团队落后于计划,找出明显的障碍并消除它们. 例如, 如果团队经常陷入技术问题, 建立频繁的结对编程会议,以提高团队成员的知识共享. 如果团队花费大量时间将代码部署到服务器, 自动化流程以节省时间并减少出错的可能性. Minimize interruptions and create clear processes for how to take on new work and address bug reports.


即使你还是个工程师, 作为管理者, 开发软件解决方案不再是您的主要功能. You have senior engineers on your team, and they are responsible for most technical solutions. Generals don’t fight wars with rifles; managers shouldn’t have to micromanage every line of code.

然而, you should use your knowledge and experience to ensure that the decisions made by senior engineers fit the product’s technical roadmap and direction. Delegate technical decisions to your senior engineers but ask the right questions to ensure that the product is scalable, 安全, 和可靠的.

例如,挑战他们的选择 “如果我们的用户是现在的20倍呢? 这是可持续的吗??” or “这项技术在两三年内还会得到支持吗?”

You can and should propose alternative solutions and frameworks based on your knowledge and areas of expertise, 但不要强迫或施压你的团队接受它们. 除了技术建议外, 您还可以提出与开发过程和方法相关的建议.

此外,确保监控产品的关键指标. 业务和技术指标同样重要. 与同事合作 DevOps team to create alarms for monitoring the system, and keep your team informed about operation issues. 最后, develop a methodology for addressing incidents when they occur to ensure that they do not happen again.

最后但并非最不重要的是,跟上最新的技术和趋势. 你拥有的选择越多,你知道的就越多, 您将拥有更多的解决方案和框架. 指定一些时间来阅读文章, 进行代码审查, 和你的团队一起参与技术讨论.

你对技术问题了解得越多,你的团队就越尊重你. Staying familiar with new and emerging technologies—and encouraging your team to do the same—will help you create an atmosphere of curiosity and challenge your team to seek new and innovative ways of solving complex technical problems.


  • 成为一名工程经理需要什么?

    经验. Most engineering managers are software engineers with extensive experience and a proven track record in relevant fields.

  • 工程经理写代码吗?

    工程经理通常不写代码,尽管这并非闻所未闻. 在某些情况下,他们可能会选择捐款. 此外,他们还可以在代码审查中发挥作用.

  • 工程经理是做什么的?

    工程经理负责软件开发中最重要的方面. 他们选择参与项目的人员和团队将使用的技术. 他们监督这个项目从开始到完成, 与产品经理和其他利益相关者协调他们的工作.

  • 怎样才能成为一名优秀的工程经理?

    A good engineering manager has to have an excellent understanding of the technologies used by their team. 他们还需要了解团队的方方面面. Additionally, they have to be able to communicate and coordinate with other leads and managers.

Giorgi Dalakishvili

Giorgi Dalakishvili

验证专家 在工程




Giorgi曾致力于从手机到主机平台的各种应用程序. 他还在GitHub上维护着几个开源项目.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.





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