Juan Martín García, Developer in Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Juan Martín García

Verified Expert  in Engineering

UI/UX Designer and Front-end Developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Toptal Member Since
October 23, 2019

Juan是一名UI/UX设计师和前端开发人员,具有出色的沟通能力和十多年的经验. 他曾为各种规模的团队以及微软等知名公司和机构担任承包商, Viacom, Fox, Nickelodeon, University of North Carolina, Faena Hotels, Renault, and Banco Santander Río, among others.


Semantic HTML, CSS, Node.js, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5...
Thinkful & Bloc
CSS, Balsamiq, Adobe体验设计(XD), Adobe, InVision Studio, InVision...
Cacao Büro
Semantic HTML, CSS, Adobe InDesign, Illustration, Adobe Photoshop...




Preferred Environment

Zsh, Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Linux, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

UI/UX Designer and Front-end Developer

2008 - PRESENT
  • Designed and developed the UI/UX for an iPad app designed for the management of clinical records in the United States; also created the entire design system.
  • 为阿根廷的一家无人机零售公司构建和设计了网站的前端.
  • 为数字报纸的概念验证设计UI/UX,并为用户提供几个定制功能和个性化选项.
  • 设计和开发一个健康网站的前端和后端,为用户提供有关耳鼻喉科的一般信息.
  • 分析可用性测试数据,增强用户体验和用户界面,简化阿根廷一家航空公司的结帐体验.
Technologies: Semantic HTML, CSS, Node.js, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Balsamiq Mockups, Adobe Experience Design (XD), InVision Studio, InVision, Zeplin, Sketch, Figma

Product Design Mentor and Technical Expert

2018 - 2020
Thinkful & Bloc
  • Mentored students who were taking various product design courses.
  • 作为技术专家,帮助学生调试前端代码的问题.
  • Reviewed and graded students' submissions and exercises.
  • 审查作品集,并为学生建立设计和开发作品集提供建议.
Technologies: CSS, Balsamiq, Adobe体验设计(XD), Adobe, InVision Studio, InVision, Sketch, Figma


2014 - 2019
Cacao Büro
  • 设计开发某建筑公司人力资源平台前端, including the native Android app and web application.
  • Built and created the design of several websites for various companies, mainly related to the oil and construction industries.
  • Managed a UI/UX team for several products related to healthcare.
  • 为北卡罗来纳大学设计了一个与教育相关的在线工具的用户界面.
  • 监督一家与评估相关的公司的原生iOS移动应用和桌面web应用的UI/UX设计.
Technologies: Semantic HTML, CSS, Adobe InDesign, Illustration, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), InVision Studio, InVision, Balsamiq Mockups, Sketch, Figma

Graphic and Editorial Designer

2012 - 2014
Catrasca Editions
  • 为出版社的几本藏书设计了封面.
  • 为一本插图书和报纸副刊设计内部版式.
  • Built, designed, and maintained the company websites.
Technologies: Semantic HTML, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, Sublime Text, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

SSV | Website Design and Development

The website for SSV, built with Next.js and Tailwind and powered by Decap CMS, aims to be a dynamic representation of the studio's work and vision.

It's not just a website; it's a digital platform that allows the client to showcase their stunning rendering and digital artwork, attract new clients, and share their design philosophy with a global audience. 它是从头开始设计和开发的,代表了美学和功能的和谐融合, combining cutting-edge design and interactions with seamless user experience, all powered by Next.js and Tailwind for the front-end, Decap CMS for content management, and Netlify as the hosting platform.

The website is not just a static collection of images and information; it's an immersive digital experience crafted to engage and captivate visitors.

Through carefully designed interactions and animations, 我们已经把网站的导航变成了一个创新和有趣的旅程. 无缝过渡和动态加载增强了用户体验的流动性. Scrolling unveils hidden details, and subtle animations breathe life into our architectural creations, allowing you to truly immerse yourself in our world of design.

BAS | Website Design and Development

这是一个建筑工作室的项目,我有幸从头开始设计和开发. A fusion of aesthetics and functionality, the project combines a minimalistic design with a seamless user experience, all powered by Next.js and Tailwind for the front-end, Decap CMS for content management on the back-end, and hosted on Netlify.

目的是让建筑工作室展示其建筑作品, attract new clients, and share its design philosophy with a global audience. It can be hard to make a website stand out using so few design elements, but overall, I believe the final result pleased both the client and myself.

Cinedora | Website Development

A website I developed for an Italian post-production studio. The client provided the designs, and I was in charge of coding them. The website is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based. 它不使用任何框架,并具有几个CSS动画和过渡.

BEING | Website Development

《欧博体育app下载》是一部心理悬疑科幻电影,由Cinedora独立导演莱昂纳多·格拉·塞拉格诺里执导. As a hobbyist musician, I was immediately drawn to this artistic project, 这让我能够将自己的技术技能与创造性直觉结合起来,为这类游戏的粉丝创造一种身临其境的在线体验.

Scrolling animations and transitions, interactive elements such as an audio and video player, and futuristic design elements, such as sleek UI components, vibrant colors, and dynamic typography, helped me capture the essence of the sci-fi movie.

Working on this project has been a thrilling experience, 让我将我的技术专长与我对音乐和艺术表达的热情结合起来. The result is a visually stunning, interactive, 沉浸式在线平台抓住了科幻类型的精髓,为粉丝们提供了一次难忘的电影宇宙之旅.

MMU | Website Design and Development

This is a project I designed and developed for a wellness coach. This minimalistic website serves as a comprehensive wellness hub, offering individuals the guidance, motivation, 以及开始和维持个人健康之旅所需的资源.

The project has a minimal design, allowing the user to focus on the content and deliver a user-centric, accessible, and empowering experience. 它体现了技术和专业知识的融合,创造了一种工具,使个人的健康之旅产生积极的变化.

León XIII Institute | Website and Design System

我为阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的一所天主教学院设计并开发了网站和后端. 该网站将作为一个知识库,为学院提供的许多课外活动及其最初的活动提供信息, primary, and secondary educational offerings. 他们需要一个直观的后端界面,这样他们就可以自己更新内容并向网站添加新页面.

The back end was built using Craft CMS and MySQL for the database. The front end was created using Twig as the templating engine, Sass as the preprocessor for CSS, and only using Vanilla JavaScript, without any framework. 布局是使用现代布局技术,如CSS网格和Flexbox实现的.

Goytía PKG | Website

我为拉丁美洲在知识产权领域最有经验的公司之一开发了这个网站. The company had an outdated website, so they hired a company to provide the design, and I had to translate it into a working website.

Since the website was mostly static, I decided to code the front end without any framework and used plain HTML, Stylus as a preprocessor for CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript. The website has an infographic map created by another developer in D3.js, which I had to integrate on the front end.

Faena Catering | Website

我为阿根廷Faena酒店的餐饮服务开发了网站. The company needed a website, so I provided the design and had to translate it into a pixel-perfect code.

Since the website mainly consisted of static content, I decided to code the front end without any framework. 我使用了纯HTML, Stylus作为CSS的预处理器,以及带有任何外部依赖的Vanilla JS.
2010 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design



Flexbox, Node.js, React, Passport.js, Google Maps API, jQuery, D3.js, Web Audio


Stylus, JSX, Sketch, Figma, Zsh, Oh My Zsh, Zeplin, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Create React App, MAMP, Git, Apache, InVision, Adobe, Balsamiq, Balsamiq Mockups, Adobe InDesign, Sublime Text, Webpack, Sequel Pro, Adobe Experience Design (XD)


Next.js, Vanilla JS, Tailwind CSS, Express.js, Twig, Redux, Laravel


HTML5, CSS3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Pug, Sass, ECMAScript (ES6), Markdown, Semantic HTML, PHP


Agile, Functional Programming


Craft CMS, Firebase, Netlify, DigitalOcean, iOS, Webflow, Heroku, MacOS, Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Azure


MongoDB, MySQL


CSS Grid, Accessibility, Web Accessibility, A11Y, Gatsby, Styled-components, Eleventy, Fish, InVision Studio, Illustration, Decap CMS, UI Animation, Landing Pages

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