Dimitar Stoykov, Developer in Sofia, Bulgaria
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Dimitar Stoykov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack and React Developer

Sofia, Bulgaria
Toptal Member Since
December 16, 2021

Dimitar是一名高级软件工程师,拥有五年构建web和桌面应用程序的经验. 他精通服务器端和客户端基于javascript的技术, including React and Node.js. Dimitar的主要关注点是帮助企业公司构建业务应用程序, 但他也曾与规模较小的以消费者为导向的公司合作,以实现它们的目标. Dimitar以在紧迫的期限内交付复杂的项目而闻名.


Next.js、Scrum、WCAG 2、营销技术(MarTech)、React、Node.js...
Node.js, React, Redux, MobX, Angular, AngularJS, Deno, Electron, JavaScript...




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Windows, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Software Engineer | Technical Lead

2022 - 2022
  • Successfully delivered multiple initiatives, including rebrandings, features, and improvements for the company's marketing website.
  • 致力于改善营销网站的性能,并取得了两到三倍的性能效益.
  • 在一个小的工程师团队中担任技术领导.
  • 致力于提高通用代码库代码质量. 成功地提取了一个可重用的组件库,供公司的其他团队使用.
Technologies: Next.js、Scrum、WCAG 2、营销技术(MarTech)、React、Node.Web可访问性,可访问性,Chakra UI,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), api,后端,Git

Software Development Consultant

2019 - 2022
  • Managed project requirements, communications, 并为一系列客户开发软件解决方案.
  • Developed a cross-platform, open-source, .. NET反编译工具,与VS Code UI集成. 该产品吸引了大公司的注意,并取得了成功的合作.
  • 在快速增加4倍的开发者数量和扩大公司的客户和项目方面发挥了关键作用.
  • 领导技术面试,进行代码审查,并指导其他开发人员.
  • 监督一组开发人员在一系列客户项目上工作.
Technologies: Node.js, React, Redux, MobX, Angular, AngularJS, Deno, Electron, JavaScript, TypeScript, Azure, Docker, Microservices Architecture, .NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, GraphQL, Code Review, Mentorship & Coaching, Technical Hiring, Decompilation, SCSS, CSS, Windows, MacOS, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Linux, C#.NET WinForms, gRPC, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Next.js, Apollo, Rust, V8, Distributed Systems, Serverless Architecture, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), AWS CloudFormation, Performance Optimization, Amazon API Gateway, Telerik Kendo UI, Amazon Cognito, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Unit Testing, Automated UI Testing, CI/CD Pipelines, GitHub Actions, Webhooks, Software Design Patterns, Express.js, SQL, SQL Performance, SQL Server 2016, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), User Experience (UX), HTML, WebSockets, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), HTTP, Debugging, Full-stack, Temporal.io, E2E Testing, Tailwind CSS, Styled-components, Performance Testing, Relational Databases, Remote Team Leadership, Twilio API, WhatsApp API, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Responsive Web Design (RWD), OAuth 2, Figma, REST, REST APIs, Accessibility, APIs, Back-end, Git, Back-end Architecture

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2020 - 2020
  • 开发了一个跨平台的IDE,通过加速从设计到代码的工作流程和减少误解,帮助设计人员和开发人员更好地协作.
  • Built features based on continuous client feedback, 怎样使产品愿景符合客户的期望,并提高他们的满意度.
  • 开发了一种工具,可以轻松地在任何其他设计系统中容纳公司的组件套件.
  • 进行代码审查并指导初级团队成员.
Technologies: Node.js、TypeScript、JavaScript、Angular、AngularJS、React、Redux、Electron, Sketch, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Code Review, Mentorship & Coaching, Full-stack, SCSS, CSS, MacOS, Microsoft Teams, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Performance Optimization, Telerik Kendo UI, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Design Patterns, Express.js, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), User Experience (UX), HTML, WebSockets, HTTP, Debugging, E2E Testing, Performance Testing, Responsive Web Design (RWD), OAuth 2, Figma, REST, REST APIs, Accessibility, APIs, Back-end, Git, Back-end Architecture

Full-stack Software Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • 曾在《欧博体育app下载》的核心开发团队任职, 一个跨平台的HTTP和WebSocket调试代理,基于世界著名的Progress Telerik Fiddler.
  • 在Progress Telerik Fiddler的整个软件开发周期中发挥了积极的作用.
  • 与其他部门合作,吸引MacOS和Linux用户,并将现有的Progress Telerik Fiddler Windows用户转换为在日常调试中使用Fiddler Everywhere, which was a huge success for Progress.
Technologies: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Angular, .NET Core, C#.NET WinForms, gRPC, Electron, TypeScript, HTTP, WebSockets, Debugging, Full-stack, SCSS, CSS, Microsoft Teams, Node.js, JavaScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Performance Optimization, Telerik Kendo UI, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Design Patterns, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), User Experience (UX), HTML, Code Review, Jenkins, Responsive Web Design (RWD), REST, REST APIs, APIs, Back-end, Git, Back-end Architecture

Junior Software Engineer

2017 - 2019
  • 为Progress Telerik JustDecompile编写新功能,最快的 .NET decompiler.
  • 通过修复复杂性高于平均水平的bug,维护现有功能并保护产品完整性.
  • 在Progress Telerik JustAssembly中编写新功能并维护现有功能, 使用Progress Telerik JustDecompile的反编译引擎的汇编困难工具.
Technologies: .NET, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), TFS, Decompilation, Debugging, Windows, Microsoft Teams, Performance Optimization, Unit Testing, Automated UI Testing, Software Design Patterns, Jenkins

Collaboration Platform for Designers and Developers

Unite UX is a collaboration tool for designers, developers, and non-developers, such as QA engineers and product managers. 它消除了设计和最终应用之间的差距. 我与产品经理合作,交付原型供客户验证. 我还维护了现有产品功能的完整性.

Cross-platform Web Debugging Proxy

Fiddler Everywhere是一个安全的、现代的web调试代理,适用于macOS、Windows和Linux. It integrates with users' workflows, facilitates the mocking of requests, and accelerates the diagnosis of network issues. As a member of the core development team, 我参与了整个SDLC,并在吸引新客户方面发挥了积极的作用.

Cross-platform .NET Decompiler Using VS Code UI

CodemerxDecompile is a truly multiplatform .NET decompiler for Windows, MAC, and Linux. 它是基于最快的开源JustDecompile Engine的延续 .NET decompiler engine and VS Code UI. I was the lead developer for this product, 其主要目的是提高公司服务的知名度,并在产品弃用后保留现有的JustDecompile用户群.

Website Builder

A Node.基于js和react的应用程序,用于构建静态和交互式web应用程序. As a senior full-stack developer, 我与CTO和产品负责人一起工作,并领导了高于平均水平的高复杂性功能的开发. Those features included static site generation, performant server-side JavaScript code execution, 可共享和可重用的功能插件(堆栈). 我还管理和指导了一个小开发团队.


TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SCSS, SQL, GraphQL, Rust


.NET, .NET Core, Redux, ASP.NET Core, Next.js, Express.js, Angular, gRPC, Electron, Telerik Kendo UI, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), AngularJS, Tailwind CSS, OAuth 2


Node.js, React, REST APIs, MobX, Twilio API, WhatsApp API


Git, Microsoft Teams, AWS Fargate, Slack, TFS, C#.NET WinForms, Sketch, Adobe Experience Design (XD), V8, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon Cognito, Microsoft Graph, Jenkins, Figma


REST, Microservices Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Back-end Architecture, Agile, Scrum


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), SQL Server 2016, SQL性能,关系数据库,Amazon DynamoDB


WebSockets, Code Review, Debugging, Full-stack, APIs, Back-end, Deno, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Mentorship & Coaching, Decompilation, HTTP, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Distributed Systems, Amazon API Gateway, Performance Optimization, CI/CD Pipelines, Automated UI Testing, Webhooks, Performance Testing, Remote Team Leadership, Accessibility, Algorithms, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Technical Hiring, Apollo, Temporal.io, GitHub Actions, Styled-components, WCAG 2, Marketing Technology (MarTech), Web Accessibility, Chakra UI


Windows, Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Software Design Patterns, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MacOS, Linux, Azure, AWS Lambda

2017 - 2021

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

图书馆研究和信息技术大学(UNIBIT) -保加利亚索非亚

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