作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
Sérgio Estrella
Verified Expert in Design

With a decade of experience in UI/UX, ssamrgio曾在教育等广泛的行业工作过, enterprise, and entertainment.



用户体验设计师需要许多工具来完成从研究到设计到原型和移交的用户体验工作流程的许多阶段. If you do your work on a PC, 你可能会被不断提到的Sketch困扰, a popular, 流线型矢量图形编辑器与无数有用的插件,正迅速成为一个行业标准but only available on Mac OS. 这意味着,除非你有一台苹果电脑,否则你就被排除在外了. 但现在Adobe正在积极开发一个跨平台的Sketch竞争对手(和相似的)?), after years of absence: Adobe XD.

Adobe XD User Interface

Sketch User Interface

What Is Adobe XD?

Adobe Experience Design CC, or Adobe XD, 是一个轻量级矢量图形编辑器和原型工具,在Adobe MAX 2015上宣布为Project Comet. 该软件于2016年3月作为Creative Cloud的一部分发布了预览版, and nowadays it is in beta phase, receiving updates almost every month.

Before that, Adobe was working on adding features for UX designers 使用Photoshop和Illustrator等现成的工具. Although they are both great pieces of software, 对于这种类型的工作,它们既不轻便也不流线型. 多年来,尤其是在2013年Adobe Fireworks(从Macromedia收购的经典面向web的原型工具)被弃用之后,越来越多的用户体验设计师觉得Creative Cloud不符合市场预期. So, they jumped to Sketch (if they had a Mac). 虽然Adobe对这一大规模外流的反应有点晚(Bohemian Coding在整整6年前才推出Sketch),但值得等待, 特别是如果你一直局限于在电脑上使用不太合适的工具. Let’s compare Adobe XD vs Sketch

User Interface and Exclusive Features

When you open Adobe XD, 你的第一印象是界面非常熟悉, both for Sketch users and long time Adobe fans. Adobe放弃了预期的Creative Cloud更暗的按钮和菜单, and choose to offer the best of two worlds. Unlike Sketch, 您将在屏幕左侧看到一组工具, 还有右边的图层面板和动态属性, as seen on Sketch. 不管你以前用的是什么工具,它都很容易使用和学习.

Repeat Grid

Adobe XD也有一组独特的功能,比如Repeat Grid, 一种工具,可以让您复制一组对象,例如具有可变数据和副本之间可配置间距的材料设计卡.

Repeat Grid feature in Adobe XD


In XD, 您可以创建一个交互式原型,而不需要第三方插件,就像在Sketch中一样. Adobe原型编辑器允许设计人员使用连接线和设置过渡,直观地将交互区域连接到其他屏幕. With the interactive prototype ready, you can publish and share the prototype, 可以在网上或使用Adobe XD移动应用程序查看的内容. XD prototypes, however, 不支持手势或固定部分,如标题, something that is possible on InVision and other prototype-only tools that connect with Sketch.

Prototype feature in Adobe XD

Assets Panel

In the August 2017 update, Adobe added the Assets panel, 这是一种巧妙的方式,将色彩与互动风格指南结合在一起, character styles, and symbols. 当你在“资产”面板中更改某些内容时,在你的图稿中对该资产的每次使用都会随之进行. Sketch also has color variables, character styles, and symbols, but each one contained in their own panel.

Adobe XD Assets Panel

Adobe宣布了一些[下一个将出现的功能](http://www).adobe.com/products/xd/solutions/design-collaboration-tool.html](http://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/collaborative-design-with-adobe-xd/). One of them extends the Assets feature, allowing the designer 发布带有可下载字体的项目风格指南, assets, and the colors hexadecimal codes, 除了交互式原型和用于开发人员调查原型内部元素的检查功能之外. 这被称为“开发人员的切换”,并且已经可以在Sketch(和Photoshop)中使用插件,如 Zeplin. 另一个未来的特性是XD内部的实时协作, 类似于Google Docs上的协作功能,并且已经在其他UX设计工具上可用 Figma.


Sketch (and its plugins) vs. Adobe XD

FeaturesAdobe XDSketch
Vector graphicsYes (and includes Adobe Illustrator in CC subscription)Yes
Advanced image editingNo (but includes Adobe Photoshop in CC subscription)No
PrototypingYesNo (but available with third-party plugins)
Assets exportYesYes
Handoff with online style guide and inspectorNo (announced as a future feature)No (but available with third-party plugins)
Symbols and stylesYesYes
Repeat gridYesNo
Document gridYesYes (with columns and more options)
CollaborationNo (announced as a future feature)No (but available with third-party plugins)
MacOS versionYesYes
Windows versionYes (Windows 10 or above)No
Price and licensingBeta version is free, it requires to have an Adobe ID. Final pricing will be announced.99美元一年的更新,但你可以在没有更新的情况下继续使用

When you see the bigger picture, 很明显,Adobe打算让XD不仅做Sketch作为矢量图形工具所做的一切,而且还做它的插件, covering the entire UX design workflow. From design to prototyping to handoff, Adobe XD可能会成为最终的用户体验设计工具, but what about today?

Is It Time to Switch?

Adobe XD is 首先是Windows用户(不能使用macos专用的Sketch)和当前的Adobe Creative Cloud订阅者(除了Photoshop之外,他们不需要为XD支付更多费用), Illustrator, etc.).

There are many UX designers already making the jump, 要么是因为他们是Creative Cloud的订阅者,即使是在macOS上, 或者是因为他们相信XD将成为下一个标准,并且对当前的特性集感到满意. If you are an experienced Sketch user, you’ll enjoy an overall better interface, unique XD features, 但也必须处理当前的限制和缺乏插件支持. 无论如何,试一试,和我们分享你的感受吧!

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Sérgio Estrella

Sérgio Estrella

Verified Expert in Design

Barcelona, Spain

Member since February 1, 2017

About the author

With a decade of experience in UI/UX, ssamrgio曾在教育等广泛的行业工作过, enterprise, and entertainment.

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