authors are vetted experts in their fields 和 write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在设计

Mayank specializes in creating user-centered designs 和 translating complex systems into beautiful web 和 mobile experiences.





  • 穿上睡衣.
  • 刷牙.
  • 敞开的窗户.
  • 打开门.
  • 地方的钱包, 个人文档, 还有银行信息,方便地堆放在厨房柜台上.


如果这种情况令人不安的话, 想想同样的敏感信息被输入到我们的数字设备上的频率. 没有适当的安全协议,我们的资产和身份很容易被窃取. 更糟糕的是,作为 设计师 数字接口, 对安全的漠视将用户置于经济风险之中, 专业, 关系, 和情感上.

安全不是一种趋势或促销策略, 这是用户体验和界面设计的一个重要方面.


The ideal interface is 简单的 to operate 和 safeguarded against attempts to steal users’ private in为mation. Delivering such a design is typically framed as a tradeoff between usability 和 安全:

  • 如果界面容易使用,那么安全性就会降低.
  • 如果它是安全的,它就更难使用.

这种权衡是一个神话. 我们可以设计这样的界面 简单的 安全 而不影响两者的质量. 在这里, 用户体验设计师 通过确保满足技术需求和用户需求发挥关键作用.

在很多方面,用户体验设计师都是诠释者. 他们破译技术需求,并使其易于用户理解. They also exercise situational awareness by deciding when to focus on simplicity or when to involve sophisticated 安全 measures. 平衡是关键, but it can only be achieved by including all stakeholders from the earliest stages of design.


There are multiple parties that must be consulted to design a 安全 和 successful digital product. For instance, design teams have to ensure that their products comply with relevant regulations like HIPAA 对于医疗保健行业和 PCI DSS银行和金融 服务. 也, 安全 features implemented by design teams must meet the st和ards set by the technical teams behind digital products.


当涉及到安全性时,忽略用户输入的情况并不少见. 而是真正满足用户的安全需求, 设计师必须掌握他们的动机, 行为, 和期望. 经常, 用户对数字安全知之甚少, so 设计师 ought to learn to anticipate the levels of risk that users will face as they navigate through various screens 和 features. 在设计过程中越早识别风险越好.

Ignoring stakeholders or incorporating their input late in the design process doubles the risk. 它可以在产品中打开本来可以避免的安全漏洞, 或者,它可能会导致产品过于安全,以至于几乎无法使用.



加密 is a method of converting sensitive in为mation into a code that appears to be r和om. 在具有通信功能的数字产品中,这是一个重要的设计考虑因素. In apps where calls, texts, videos, images, 和 documents are frequently exchanged (think WhatsApp), end-to-end encryption ensures that only the users involved in a conversation can see the data being exchanged.

这意味着没有人, 而不是应用程序背后的公司, 不是数据罪犯, 甚至连政府都没有, 能看到消息的内容吗. 当用户知道他们的信息受到这些措施的保护, 他们更愿意给予信任.


It is essential to verify that only the owner of an account can log in—和 that all intruders are locked out. 身份验证 is the most effective way to 安全 digital products from unauthorized access. Features like usernames 和 password requirements ought to be identified 和 tested early in the design process.

为了获得额外的安全性,可以添加双因素身份验证(2FA). 与 2FA, a username 和 password are entered, 和 a log-in code is sent to a mobile phone or email address.



最终,数据隐私是设计师和企业的道德考量. 当用户用他们的个人数据换取对数字产品的访问权限时, they’re choosing to believe that the company that oversees the product will h和le their in为mation with integrity. They’re also trusting that the features implemented by 设计师 和 开发人员 are able to withst和 data attacks.


值得重申的是,数字产品是为用户而制造的,而不是相反. 用户’ interactions with products should never come with the risk that their data will be leaked or stolen. 遗憾的是,情况并非总是如此.

大多数网络犯罪的目的都是获取用户的个人数据, 但用户体验设计师可以提供帮助. 怎么这么? By implementing features that encourage users to choose stronger passwords 和 avoid placing excessive personal details online.

例如,一个产品的 身份验证接口 may employ a friendly message to in为m users about why it’s important to have stronger passwords. 而不是强制用户创建一个12个字符的密码, 小写和大写字母, 一个数字, 还有一个符号, 信息可以简单地说, “你需要一个更强的密码. 这就是为什么它很重要.“通过这种方式,用户可以更好地了解保护数据和隐私的必要性.


如果产品安全依赖于整合所有利益相关者, 然后设计师需要花时间与开发者进行协商 网络安全专家. 开发人员通常有影响设计的约束, 和 they may be able to offer insights about the effectiveness of 用户体验的安全 features implemented by 设计师. Cyber安全 professionals can educate 设计师 about the most up-to-date 安全 strategies, 工具, 以及法规遵从性.

提醒一句:咨询安全专家是件好事, but overdoing 安全 measures makes digital products cumbersome 和 encourages users to look elsewhere. Vague messages like “Your internet connection isn’t 安全” lead users to circumvent 安全 features meant 为 their protection.

最终, it reflects poorly on businesses when legitimate users can’t accomplish tasks or find themselves locked out of their accounts because of over-complicated digital 安全.



在所有发生的数字安全攻击中, 有一种方案比其他方案普遍得多. It accounts 为 nearly 90% of breaches worldwide 和 relies more on the art of deception than sophisticated technical abilities. 这是什么邪恶的策略?


就像老骗子一样, 网络钓鱼 (which occurs most often in emails) relies heavily on social engineering strategies to scare, 压力, 迷惑用户,让他们交出敏感信息和辛苦赚来的钱. 防止网络钓鱼攻击, 设计师 can create 安全 为ums that allow users to report spam 和 post warnings to other users. They can also employ popups or messages within their apps to alert users of known 网络钓鱼 attempts.



为了安全所做的一切努力, 一个被忽视的漏洞可能会严重损害数字产品的完整性. 这与技术没有多大关系,这是设计师自己的问题.

For every product created, there are hundreds (even thous和s) of design artifacts generated. 使用了数十种通信渠道. 战略文件的链接被发送给多方. 而且,分布式团队越来越依赖于基于云的设计工具.

如果设计师不采取预防措施来保护他们的工作和交流, 攻击者会找到渗透组织弱点的方法. 这可能意味着建立vpn, 正在接受网络安全培训, 并制定资产管理和沟通指导方针,以防止遗漏.


安全和可用的界面不是偶然发生的. They are the result of 设计师 who take the time to identify points of data vulnerability 和 involve stakeholders early in the creative process. Security is no different than any other critical feature—end users’ needs mustn’t be ignored.

当设计师找到有用的方式来传达价值时 安全 并确保 安全特性 运营效率, users will reward the companies that oversee digital products with their trust 和 ongoing engagement.


  • 什么是安全设计?

    说到移动产品, 安全的设计确保用户的敏感信息得到保护. 可以采取许多UX安全措施. 端到端加密, 双因素身份验证, 和 microcopy encouraging strong passwords are all strategies that bolster 安全 design.

  • 如何确保应用程序的安全?

    设计一个安全的应用程序, 设计师首先必须知道涉众的各种需求是什么. 安全的界面设计需要了解用户的需求, 了解开发人员的技术需求, 并了解与应用程序行业相关的任何监管要求.

  • 为什么移动应用程序安全很重要?

    The 安全 user experience of a mobile application is important because cybercrimes are increasingly prevalent in our digital world. 如果移动应用程序不安全, 用户的个人, 金融, 和 work-related in为mation can be easily accessed by those who would use it 为 criminal purposes.

  • 如何通过设计建立信任?

    要通过安全用户体验设计建立信任,设计师必须首先了解用户的需求. 当用户的需求被理解时, 设计师 can enact features like end-to-end encryption 和 双因素身份验证 to build trust. 设计师还可以与客户合作,维护用户数据隐私的最佳实践.

  • 如何在产品中建立信任?

    建立信任并确保安全的应用程序设计, 设计师必须从产品开发的最初阶段就包括所有的利益相关者. 用户, 高管, 开发人员, 网络安全工程师, 和 even government officials may have relevant in为mation that will make a product more 安全.



验证专家 在设计




Mayank specializes in creating user-centered designs 和 translating complex systems into beautiful web 和 mobile experiences.

authors are vetted experts in their fields 和 write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.





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